How to create free blog on Google Blogger

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How to create a free blog on Google Blogger – Do you want to make your blog reach the whole world? But do not even mind spending money. So you can create a blog on Google Blogger for free. Blogger is a service powered by Google. There are many advantages to creating a free blog. Let’s learn to make free blogs on Blogger. create free blog by blogger

create free blog on blogger

[Tweet "This is a tweet. It is only a tweet."]

Google Blogger Benefits

Advantages of creating a free blog on blogger

1. Do not spend money, the blog becomes free
2. The blog can be earned by placing Adsense on
3. The entire security of the blog is in Google’s hands
4. Blog Easy to do SEO
5. There are many free themes available so you can give a great look to the blog
6. Edit the blog’s HTML
7. Blog is Mobile Friendly

Steps to create a  free blog on Blogger or blogspot

Information about creating free blogs on Google Blogger

create blog name on blogger

1. Before creating a blog on Google Blogger, you must have a Google Account If not, then you have to make.

2. Go to Google Blogger Homepage after this. After which you have to click the “Create your blog” button.

3. Log in to Google Account now. The box which will be opened after logging in, fill in the blog’s name and blog address. Below are some of the many Blogger Themes, by selecting one of your favorite themes and clicking the “Create blog!” Button

4. Your blog has been created. You have come to the dashboard of your blog.

settings in blogger

On the Dashboard, you will find lots of options for all related blog related settings. You can keep them according to what you need. We are telling you about some important settings.

The Google Blogger Privacy Policy

Important settings after creating a blogger blog

1. HTTPS redirect Settings
Settings> Basic> HTTPS redirect> YES

Under Settings, select YES for HTTPS redirect in Basic.

https setting blogger

Google Blogger Blog HTTPS redirect YES

2. Language and formatting
Settings> Language and formatting> Language> Language> Hindi – Hindi

Under Settings, Language and Formatting has the option of Language and Time Zone. With the option of language you can do the language of blog dashboard in Hindi.

language setting on blogger

Settings> Language and formatting> Formatting> Time zone> (GMT +5: 30) Indian Standard Time

With the option of Time Zone, you can do Indian Time Zone (GMT +5: 30) Indian Standard Time. This will allow you to publish the blog post according to the Indian Standard Time.

Do not forget to click on the “Save Settings” button at the top right to save changes.

Google Blogger Language and Formatting

3. Search Meta
Settings> Search preferences> Meta tags> Description> Yes> Save Changes

Under Settings, there is the option of Search preferences. In this, yes to the description in Meta tags. In the open box, you have to write about your blog, which will appear in Search Engine Results.

Add meta description in blogger

Google Blogger Search preferences Meta description

After making such settings, your blog is ready to make the first post. How to create a blog post will be given in the next post.

Hope you like this post about creating free blogs on Blogger and making important settings.


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