What is Quora? how to use it in Hindi

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Quora is a question and answer website, if you also want to use it, then in this post know what is Quora and how do you use it?

Quora is a Questions & Answers website on which people go to find their important information. Every part of the content available on the site is generated by the users themselves, meaning it is created, edited, and organized by the same people who use the website. Even today, there are many people who know how to use Quora.

If you are also one of them, then let me tell you for your information that this website is important for those people who are interested in getting information or who are interested in answering questions. Quora is at the top of all the question-and-answer forums on the Internet. Its worldwide rank is within the top 100. Most of people like to visit this website to get any kind of answer.

Its most special thing is that now it also supports Hindi language. In view of the ever-increasing Hindi user’s questions and answers on Quora, it has also created its own Quora Hindi App (Quora App in Hindi), which users can download from Play Store. If you also want to know how to ask questions on Quora

What is Quora

Quora is a website on which questions are asked by the user and the questions asked by anyone are answered. It is a platform where many people share their knowledge and get information.

When you ask a question on Quora, there are many people’s responses to it, similarly when someone answers a question, then people’s Upvote, Downvote and Comments come on it.

If you also have knowledge or experience of anything, then you can add such topic with your profile and answer the question. You will find topics related to Movies, Health, Music, Blogger or SEO etc. on Quora .

This website was established on June 25, 2009 and made available to the public on June 21, 2010. Currently it has become a very popular platform and which is  maintaining a good ranking on Google . Quora has also become a very popular platform for Hindi users, which is used by millions of people to get answers to their questions.

We are telling you some of its popular topics, from which you can select whatever you want.

  • Healthcare
  • Movies
  • Blogger Business
  • Government
  • AdSense
  • Books
  • Technology
  • Affiliate Marketing

Quora App Kaise Download

If you want to download the official Quora app, it is available for download on both the App Store for Apple and Play Store for Android . If you want, you can also download it from the button given below. 

Download For Android

 Download For Android

How To Use Quora In Hindi

To use Quora, first you have to create an account on it. Follow the steps given below to create and use an account on Quora.

1: First of all you have to go to its official website ‘www.quora.com’.

2: You can log in on this with your Google or Facebook account.

3: After this you can write your question by clicking on the ‘Add Question’ option appearing in the top right side on the home of Quora. Also, if you want, you can also answer anyone’s question.

So in this way you can add your question and share it with anyone to get the answer of any of your questions.


Initially, Quora was available only in the English language, but as the platform became popular, it was also launched in other languages. Currently it is also available in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Hindi languages. The user can select the language of his use while creating an account on it.

We hope that now you have got complete information about Quora, yet if you have any question then you can ask us by commenting, we will definitely help you.

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