(* Update*) 100+ Girls Whatsapp Numbers list For Friendship

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WP Group Links – Join or submit WhatsApp Group Links. Are you looking for Real Girls Whatsapp Numbers List for friendship? So be ready to get Indian Girls Numbers, Pakistani Girls Numbers, many more

Note: All WhatsApp numbers are Last Updated on 22nd February 2025

hey, So are you looking for the WhatsApp group link? then you are at the right place. We have the best groups links for WhatsApp.

To help you out, here are some tips on how you can come up with the best WhatsApp group name.  Many of us search for girl’s Whatsapp numbers for friendship or chat online. Few are for some serious relationship and some of them for timepass online. There are few girls who share own WhatsApp numbers on the web source. So they can chat with others who speak different languages in different countries. It helps you to increase language skills as well as friendship also if both of you like the conversation.


  • Keep It Simple: Being simple person easily get jolly with other.So, Be nice with others. Sending Ugly messages and images may not like by others.
  • Go For Something FunnyEveryone appreciates a bit of humor. Most girls like a person with good humor and talk in good manners

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Whatsapp Girls Numbers For Dating

Some people just want to get a WhatsApp number for friendship with girls and some people just want to spend their time chatting. But there are still a lot of people who believe in social media dating and want to get girls’ WhatsApp numbers for dating. So if you also want to get a girl’s WhatsApp number for dating then this section is for you.

Friends, in this post we have brought the numbers of girls for friendship but some girls are looking for a boyfriend. We have also given the contact numbers of these girls below. So if you want a girl, you can make your girlfriend but only if they allow you.

The most important feature of WhatsApp is WhatsApp groups. Groups are very useful for Whatsapp users when we have a group of friends want to chat. It helps to engage more friends at once in the group. Sometimes you feel bored as no one is there for chatting, that time a group is only for you. Only open any active group are helping to and chat with an online participant. All groups links for whatsapp are given below

Real Girls Whatsapp Numbers list

This here is some country girls WhatsApp numbers from such as United States, United Kingdom, Canada, India, Pakistan, etc. You can directly message by Whatsapp, and you will quickly get the replay. Because all the girls are maximum time online.

Indian Girls Whatsapp Numbers

Name-Srabani Thakur
Status-Life is way important than you think therefore you must not leave things for tomorrow !!
+91 7681891747

Name- Sarita Hota
Status-Call me later because Life is not short as you think
+91 7681891747
+91 8503726783

Name-Anisha Biswal
Status- Make sure you give me your Bank code before u die !!
+91 6798754735

Name-Mamata Mallik
Status-Speaking is easier than doing in real.
+91 4532367891

Name-Honey Sahoo
Status-You won’t believe how fast my heart beats when I don’t see you?
+91 8777883638

Name-Monsoon Samal
Status-Whatsapp only !!
+91 8888354688

Top best Indian girls whatsapp group links 2018

List of indian girls numbers

Sneha phone number +91 636480966
Rashmi phone number +91 364893007
Malvika phone number +91 2593749474
Manisha phone number +91 6485048300
Susmita phone number +91 6473930969
Roza phone number +91 7486384937
Renu phone number + 91 6377394758

List of USA Girls Number

Status-I had over billion Pounds today then the alarm destroyed my dream? 
+1 315 417 9337

Status-Brut type fasts because life seems short. 
+1 748 464 3457

Status-Even 4G network becomes slower in a bad situation! 
+1 546 236 4547

Status-My mind is not dirty but those are my dreams? 
+1 544 567 7891

Name-Alexia Shan 
Status-happy to other person is a way of life 
+1 675 546 6729

Status-Some time red is also cool 

Status-If you think you can’t do it then you can never do anything in your life. 
Age- 20 
+1 7834 567 324

Top Funny WhatsApp Group Links 2018

UK Girls whatsapp real Number

I sure 10 % of UK girls are using whatsapp and they share own number to the public. we collect some trusted UK girl whatsapp phone number and added below. I suggest you, use the below list number and chat with them.

Status- Waiting for a Wi-Fi network. 
Age- 19 
+1 5673987439

Status-sleeping whole day 
+3 456 456 6723

Status-We doesn’t have equal energy but we do have the same. opportunity. 
Age- 20 
+1 5677893456

Status-Once you fade away as a result then you can’t come back !! 
+1 674 567 7891

College Lady whatsapp number

have you thought of friendship with a College girl? if yes, then your choice is great. You can”t find a real College girl’s WhatsApp chat number on the internet but here you can find the trusted College girl number.

Girls whatsapp numbers

Status-That wasn’t me but that was my hand (after slapping my brother) 
+1 205 740 3670

Name- Lea 
Status- Keep moving and also stay active 
Age- 21 
+1 456 567 5783

Name- Olivia 
Status-Something wrong for me 
+1 567 578 9984

Status-Everything possible in the world. 
Age- 21 
+1 547 567 8932

Name -Zoe 
Status- That moment when no one reply you back !! 
Age- 21 
+1 558 456 7893

Status-Bad people always teach you the right lesson in your life. 
+1 456764 7892

Status-Busy under boss’s lecture. 
+39 674 678 5678

Top Funny WhatsApp Group Links 2019

Aunty whatsapp Number

Aunty is always a mystery than men. The Indian Aunty is great personality, that can man are falling in love. So I request you if you try the below number for love purposes then forget that but it can use only for Friendship purposes with Mallu Aunty. Aunty groups links for WhatsApp

Name- Anna Aunty
Status-The smartphones are better than girlfriend cuz we can switch it off whenever- 
Age- 19 
+7 345 456 7892

Name-Alla Aunty
Status- Do not call me again 
Age- 18 
+7 234 456 7893

Status- My phone is my virus 
Age- 19 
+7 784895346

Name- Daria 
Status- I hate unknown friend 
Age- 17 
+7 467 789 8921

Name- Maria 
Status- Simpleness great job for a people 
Age- 29 
+7 784 789 4567

Name- Lovely 
Status- I hate whatsapp 
Age – 25 
+7 456 468 9801

Australia Girls Whatsapp number

Must of Australian girls is beautiful and smart that’s the reason people are love to friendship with them. I am sure you can not see any trusted contact number. But here you can see a lot of finds that. Australia groups links for WhatsApp

Name- Amelia 
Status-Just saw the smartest person when I was in front of the mirror. 
Age- 19 
+61 784 567 8921

Status- Now I am in Energy saving mode. 
+61 756 567 8921

Name- Mia 
Status-Please, be patient even a toilet can handle only one ass hole at a time. 
+61 784 345 6782

Name- Chloe 
Status-Whenever I think of quitting smoking, I need a cigarette to think. 
+61 5673456743

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whatsapp girl number pakistan

There are a lot of Pakistani girls who are using WhatsApp. Some of them share their own Whatsapp mobile number with the public. Pakistani girls groups links for WhatsApp.

Must of below girl look slim with beautiful. Some of Pakistan girl are interested to touch with new friends through WhatsApp. Now we added some Pakistani Girl Numbers and listed them here. on below just use it and try to impress her.

Name- Amna Javed 
Status- The relation of friendship is greater than the relation of blood. 
Age- 19 
+92 784 567 6789

Name- Butler 
Age – 18 
+92 789345 5678

Name- Mariya Khan 
Status-Your looks don’t make u Beautiful, it’s the person inside who makes you beautiful. 
Age- 20 
+92 789 345 6789

Name- Saadia Imam 
Status-The best dreams happen when eyes are opened. 
Age- 22 
+92 897 456 3456

Name- Farad Khan 
Status-Try to solve your problem yourself… Don’t Depend on others!! 
Age- 19 
+92 678 456 3457

How to use the private reply feature in WhatsApp

Whatsapp dating south Africa

Are you interested to chat with South African girls? If yes, then these criteria help you to look for a South African dating number. South African girls groups links for WhatsApp.

Name- Fiona 
Status- Sometimes It’s better to be alone…No one can hurt you. 
Age- 23 
+27 9145667489

Name- Admire 
Status-The most painful goodbye are those which were never said and never explained. 
Age- 22 
+27 8734534256

Status-If you want to make your dreams come true, The first thing you have to do is wake up- 
Age- 18 
+27 5678923476

Divorced lady whatsapp number

Divorced women face some family issues and are dissatisfied with their partner. So this is a great opportunity to chat on whatsapp. We have shared some real Divorced lady Whatsapp no. Check it out.

Name-Ranjubala Singh
Status- If life is not smiling at you, give it a good tickling. 
+91 6742345678

Name- Jayashree Mishra 
Status- Mistake is the prove of success. 
Age- 31 
+55 563 456 3456

Name- Caanvian Pradhan 
Status- WIFE & INSULT Are Somewhat Similar, They Always Look Good, IF IT IS NOT YOURS!. 
Age- 27 
+55 673 456 3457

Status- I am not your type- I’m not inflatable. 
Age- 26 
+55 789 234 5678

14 &15 year Girl mobile Number

On the below, we listed trusted 14 to 15 year Girl WhatsApp mobile Number. Use this and make friendship with them

Name – Naina 
Status- I’M Good Person With Bad Attitude. 
Age- 14 
+33 678 345 6781

Name- Tumani 
Status-my attitude my choice 
Age- 15 
+33 789 345 6789

Status- Pink Isn’t Just A color, It’S An Attitude! 
Age- 14 
+33 678 236 7845

london and Spain girls whatsapp contact

London and Spain’s girls look beautifully, always they have maintained their body for fitness. Some of the Spain girls engage on Whatsapp. So, I recommended you check the London Girl mobile number list and share your thoughts.

Name- Ally 
Status- What is a Best friend?? A single soul in two bodies-. 
Age- 20 
+33 456 457 3567

Name- Anaïs 
Status- It’s better to live alone- There is no friendship with a fool-. 
Age- 23 
+33 783 456 5645

Name- Julia 
Status-I is not a special Person, But I am just a limited edition. 
Age- 26 
+33 678 345 6782

Name- Heloise 
Status-Good Girl are those who can help people, Bad Girl have no time to help 
Age- 19 
+33 789 456 56

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