how to get free wifi access anytime and anywhere

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Finding Wi-Fi is not a big task, these are three ways

However, the prices of internet packs are no longer high, but free things are not liked. Now the matter is free Wi-Fi only. Although there is a free Wi-Fi service in public places such as railway station, but many times we are not at such places and we need a lot of internet. In this way we today tell you 3 ways to find free Wi-Fi. Download app for get free wifi access anytime and anywhere



Wife is an app that tells you the location of the free Wi-Fi around you. The most important thing is that if this app is in your phone then your phone will connect itself to the free Wi-Fi, for that you do not need to search. You can download it from the Play Store for free.

Available on playstore for get free wifi access anytime


You can also find free Wi from your Facebook app. For this, click on the three dot in the right side of the Facebook app. Now, scroll down, the Find Wi-Fi option will appear. Clicking on it will show you the complete list of free Wi-Fi. Available on playstore for get free wifi access anytime



Instabridge is also an app that lets you connect with public Wi-Fi. The specialty of this app is that it connects to the fastest network. Apart from this, if the network is not available, then this app comes to auto mobile network so that connectivity remains.

Available on playstore for get free wifi access anytime


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